Ask ReproJobs: How can I transfer from abortion clinic work to advocacy?

Dear ReproJobs,

I just left my job as a nurse in abortion care (toxic environment) and I'm currently looking for a job that's still repro/AB centered, just not at the bedside. This board has been super helpful and I've been applying to a ton of listings but getting ghosted. I'm not sure if it's the healthcare background that scares these repro employers (despite having experience in repro health), but do you have any advice on how to successfully make this jump? Or how to brand yourself as not "just a nurse/MA/LPN" to show that these skills transfer?

- Talented abortioneer, CO

Dear Talented Abortioneer, 

First of all, good for you for getting out of a toxic work environment. That takes a lot of strength, courage, and determination. Unfortunately, getting ghosted during the hiring process is an all-too-common experience, one that says more about the poor hiring practices of an employer than it does about your potential fit for the job. With that said, we've heard from countless current and former abortion clinic staff about the challenge of transitioning from clinic work to advocacy work -- you're not alone in that specific struggle, and it can feel pretty discouraging when the people who allegedly advocate for abortion don't seem to see the value in, well, hiring abortion care providers. 

The good news is this is exactly what cover letters are for -- explaining how your career path makes you a great fit for this new role. Think about all the skills you had to hone as a nurse, well beyond clinical work: cultural humility, compassion, time management in stressful settings, critical thinking under pressure, communicating with medical and non-medical personnel, the list goes on and on. These skills can be directly relatably to any job in advocacy, management, even communications. If it helps, look at each line of a job description and write out a corresponding skill that's transferable from your previous job. Employers don't see these connections right away -- use your cover letter to map it all out for them to show why your previous experience in abortion care makes you such a great hire.

You have a unique advantage over other job candidates -- (we assume) you speak fluent abortion, meaning you know first hand what people go through to access abortion, what abortion clinic staff endure day to day in terms of harassment and onerous regulations, and what actual abortion procedures look like. This makes you an ideal candidate to talk, write, and think about abortion access. 

The pandemic plus economic downturn means getting a job is really hard right now. We hope you're able to extend yourself some grace, recover from that toxic work environment, and find a job that's worthy of your brilliance.  

