Our latest interviews and resources for workplace equity in the reproductive health, rights, and justice movements.
Ask ReproJobs
Have a workplace conundrum? Step into our office and we’ll do our best to help. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll tell you where to look and who to ask. Think of us as one of your coworkers giving you our 2¢.
Due to the high volume of messages we receive, we may not be able to answer every message. By submitting your question, you agree that it may be shared publicly (without your info!) and edited for length, clarity, and grammar.
Ask a Union Organizer
Each month, union organizer and former abortion clinic staffer Emily Linkins-Ehlers answers your most pressing questions about unionizing your reproductive health, rights, and justice workplace. Anything is fair game — how to unionize, when to unionize, and what to do when shit hits the fan.
Note: We may edit your question for privacy, specifics, grammar, clarity, or length. Depending on the volume or similarities of submissions, not all may be selected.
Love Notes
We all thrive when someone shares positive feedback about us. Share something amazing that your colleague, coworker, or co-conspirator did this week! Send them a love note below and we might feature it in our bi-monthly newsletter.
Some guidelines: Share praise about anyone in the movement — it doesn’t need to be someone at your office. Be sure to throw glitter, not shade. Some comments may be edited for grammar, clarity, or length. Depending on the volume of submissions, not all may be selected, so please give your colleagues their compliments IRL. Bonus points if you share their greatness with their boss, too.

Ask your question by filling out this form.
Get your questions answered by union organizer and former abortion clinic staffer, Emily Likins-Ehlers.
Highlight the brilliance of your colleagues by sending them a love note!